Saturday, October 13, 2007

The Clown President: Keeping jobs in US costs US jobs

And there you go, folks. Out the mouth of the Clown!

From Raw Story:

WASHINGTON (AP) - Alarmed by slipping support for free trade even among Republicans, President Bush is arguing that protectionism will cut Americans out of chances for more - and better - jobs.

Bush has launched a blitz on behalf of pending free trade pacts with four nations. He continued the push Saturday in his weekly radio address.
"More exports support better and higher-paying jobs," the president said. "And to keep our economy expanding, we need to keep expanding trade."

His radio address followed a speech on trade he delivered Friday in Miami. Bush also granted interviews this week to business-oriented news organizations.More on the story.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

The GOP should really stop the Gerbil from talking. When he opens his mouth the idiot that he is comes out. No one should ask by the World Leaders don't speak to him. Connie is getting old to as Putin put her in her place. Poor Gates wasn't even noticed in the group. Now with General Sanchez turning on his former buddies it's the show of the rats turning on the rats. Look for other World Leaders to step up and speak out against the weak lam President Bush.

SPB you gave the Gerbil the right name CLOWN.