Saturday, October 27, 2007

Brooks: Bush’s ‘Body Language’ Means He Won’t Attack Iran.

Body language.. LOL!


In a PBS interview yesterday, Brooks said that Bush’s “body language” when discussing Iran made him “reasonably confident there’s going to be no military” confrontation:

[I]f you look, read his language, if you look at his body language, you see a man that’s totally different than before Iraq. He is preparing the way for the next administration to have some means to deal with the situation. He believes in the diplomacy. But unless I totally misread him, I think he has no inclination to launch a military action.


Anonymous said...

Why pay attention to the Gerbil's body language, the Supreme Leader Cheney is running things, and the Gerbil has no clue what is going on until the Supreme Leader tells him.

airJackie said...

That's good to know that Brooks relays on Bush's Body language. If Brooks is wrong what then. Bush is all talk because Putin put him in his place with a big bitch slap.

SP Biloxi said...

Yup, you are right Chicago Native!