Friday, October 26, 2007

BLT: Daley Doesn't Like This.

In Chi-Town,

Chicago aldermen have asked a federal judge to release the names of city police officers who have received complaints of misconduct. The complaints range from false arrests to police brutality. Though the federal judge denied their request yesterday on jurisdictional grounds, the aldermen are appealing much to the chagrin of entrenched Chicago mayor, Richard Daley.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, I know a lot of COPs and, a lot of people complain for no good reason, I am not saying that there aren't good reasons, but some of my friends have gone out of their way with some people and they still get a complaint on them, some people complain when they are going 50 in a 30, roll through a stop sign, get pulled over, then are nasty and say they are getting picked on.