Wednesday, August 15, 2007

Who you are is from the people you surround yourself with.

<---Ironically this comment is still published on the site, more than 18 hours after it first appeared. What makes that so interesting is how Daily Kos is attacked in this article for a post which was deleted within minutes after it appeared.

So is it an “extremist” position to take interest in your political party and try to get your people elected, or would it be considered “extremist” to wish for innocent Americans to die in a terrorist attack just so your party could maybe gain support? Perhaps Susan Collins could answer that.

From Crooks and Liars:

It appears Susan Collins doesn’t want to risk having a career ending blooper, like George “Macacca” Allen.

One of her supporters posted this today on the Maine Web Report:

Markos Moulitsas’s hate-site The Daily Kos, the foul-mouthed fem-blog FiredogLake, and other ‘netroots’ extremists like, have become the dominant fundraisers for Tom Allen’s senate campaign. This may be good news for Allen financially, but allowing these fringe fanatics to take over his campaign is creating a political atmosphere that will undoubtedly be rejected by Maine voters come next November.

Tom Allen’s involvement with these groups, particularly his participation in the website The Daily Kos, came onto the radar screen of Maine voters recently, as national media exposed a pattern of hateful, vulgar, and anti-semitic postings on the site. Now Allen’s extremist friends have landed on the ground in Maine, and are engaging in the same childish bullying campaign tactics that made Connecticut voters reject their attempts to unseat Senator Joe Lieberman in 2006.

FDL responded in a press release….

I’m deeply offended that Senator Collins would speak about professional women in such a degrading and offensive manner,” said Hamsher. “It is well beneath the dignity becoming a sitting Senator to engage in such coarse and misogynistic rhetoric.”

Christy Hardin Smith, featured FDL blogger, said: “The sexist undertones used on Sen. Collins’ blog are appalling ? the use of “fem-blog” is erroneous and dismissive. Citizens in this country have a right — an obligation — to hold those who ask us for our votes accountable. Women have just as much right as men to speak up for their country and their families, whether Senator Collins likes that or not.”

Senator Collins owes DailyKos , Firedoglake, and other blogsites in which her website attack an apology. That was uncalled for. Of course, the smear attacks are simply political. This tells you how desperate her website is for attention.


Anonymous said...

User Loser is definatley a Coutlergast and Falafel guy book reader, and I am sure all his kids got a copy of OH'REALLY's childrens book for Christmas.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Kittybowtie went to school with that kid Kos, not an ounce of hate in him, not even after having to deal with a John Bircher with some screws loose for a couple of years.

Collins better apologize.

SP Biloxi said...

Let's hope so. That was uncalled for.