Saturday, August 18, 2007

Where’s Mr. Blackwell when you need him?

From Thinkprogress:

The Washington Post reports, “What really gets George W. Bush riled up? Calling him a fashion victim.” After Marques Harper of the Austin American- Statesman wrote a short style piece critiquing Bush’s choice of clothing when he’s down on the Crawford ranch, noting that lately “he’s opted to look more like ‘Walker, Texas Ranger’ than a sweaty, tough ranch hand.” Harper said after the article appeared, the White House called to express its disdain:

Harper received a phone call that morning from White House deputy press secretary Dana Perino, who, Harper told friends, said the president read the article and was unhappy about the way he was portrayed.


KittyBowTie1 said...

What's wrong with Walker, Texas Ranger? It could have been a lot worse. Someone could have said he looked like Junior Sample, from Hee Haw.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I'm thinking Junior Samples had a higher I.Q. than the Gerbil.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL, I remembered Hee Haw...

The Gerbil may dress like Texas Walker but the Gerbil can't kiss ass like Texas Walker.

Anonymous said...

Does anyone have a picture of what a Walker Texas Ranger looks like?
Anyhow the Gerbil should be more upset with how people see him running this country and do something about it.