Sunday, August 26, 2007

Welcome to the Twilight Zone. Open Thread.

U.S. President George W. Bush, faced with growing calls to start withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq, pleaded with Americans on Saturday for patience and cited progress in the past two months.

"The success of the past couple of months have shown that conditions on the ground can change -- and they are changing," he said in his weekly radio address. "We cannot expect the new strategy we are carrying out to bring success overnight."

Meet George W. Bush, commander-in-chief and President of the United States. George invaded a country on false pretenses and lied to the American people. As fatalities of civilians and soldiers increase and insurgents and terrorists multiply, George continues to stay the course and continue with the lie despite the outcries and anger and no chance of winning in a losing strategy. He has banked his entire legacy on winning in Iraq. But what George wants will be his own demise in...... the Twilight Zone......


Anonymous said...

"We cannot expect the new strategy we are carrying out to bring success overnight. and if you really think about it, it ain't gonna happen in the next decade. ya, i fooked up. just shut up peons and pay your taxes."

KittyBowTie1 said...

Here's another one for the Twilight Zone (or the mental institution). Prosecutor chase naked man in courthouse.

Ummmmm, shouldn't the guy be charged with indecent exposure, in addition to the gun charge?


KittyBowTie1 said...

As I have said before, who needs a conspiracy when incompetence in the leadership will do.

SP Biloxi said...

Hunt for Bin Laden.. Yeah, I heard that there was an article coming out on the hunt for Bin Laden. It's getting to be more laughable than anger anymore. Bin Laden is a live and healthy and the moron WH is still feeding us the propaganda and witchhunt.. Pass the popcorn...

So, the naked man in the courtroom with a gun? And the man happened to be in Dallas, the state of the Gerbil? LOL! That is certainly an episode of the Twilight Zone. He should be charged with indecent exposure and possession of arms in a courtroom and so on... What an idiot...

SP Biloxi said...



The clown President is stalling. No one is believing his bullsh*t speech. It's tiresome. It will take decades to clean up this mess not months.

airJackie said...

Americans need not wait for the Gerbil or Congress or General Petraeus. PM Maliki will join with the Iran President and Maliki will deman that the US leave Iraq at once. The Gerbil knows his time is up as he positions himself to try to trick the American people again. Most of the Middle East have had their meetings together while the US was vacationing. Cheney will be effected by this as he already lost the play to pump oil from Iraq to Israel. More Cheney plans and contracts will fall apart as we'll see in the future. Look for Dubai to continue to buy up shares of American companies.
One day when you go to a store, buy a home or pay your bills you will be paying it to a Middle East company owner.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...


While searching for lies of the past century---I found this.


Look through the links. You will understand, it is way too creepy! I just wanted to point it out since it looked dangerous to me and seemed to threaten certain people.
Your blog looks great, btw. Keep up the good work.

SP Biloxi said...


Thank you for the compliment. I checked out the link. Yeah, very frightening. And you wonder why this country is messed up morally, politically, socially, and so on.

Anonymous said...

Yes, Jackie you are right, there are enough countries not in the twighlight zone that are really watching what is going on. France and Kuwaitt also may be joining in to help out Maliki who is not in the twightlight zone and realizes he needs help from someone other that the Gerbil administration and is even meeting with Ahmadinejad, another one who knows the importance of good foreign relations.

KittyBowTie1 said...

I don't know what brilliant [cough] mind chose Maliki, a Shi'ite, to run Iraq when the Shi'ites also run Iran. The so-called 'insurgents' fight back because they don't want to live in Iraq when Iran takes over.

Oh, to add to something here and to clarify something on the bank scandal post, yes, it's OK in Islam to own companies. But charging interest and loaning money (like a mortgage bank does) is what isn't cool in Islam. They are supposed to do no-interest loans.