Wednesday, August 29, 2007

Tucker: I assaulted a man who ‘bothered’ me in a bathroom.

Oh for crying out loud! Now the bowtie man is saying that he was"bothered" by a man in the bathroom??? And who in the hell would bother Tucker?? I'm not buying that. Now I would believe that Tucker accidentally went to the ladies' room and got thrown out of there or Tucker gave a "lovetap" to a man in the stall and he bopped Tucker! A fly bothered Tucker in the bathroom not a man. Man, it seems like nimrod journalists are trying to get their 15 minutes in the spotlight to raise their ratings from the dead!

Yesterday on MSNBC, Tucker Carlson said “it’s really common” that men accost one another in mens’ rooms, much like Sen. Larry Craig (R-ID) is alleged to have done to a plainclothed cop. Carlson said, “I’ve been bothered in Georgetown Park,” in Washington, D.C., “when I was in high school.” When asked how he responded to being “bothered,” Carlson asserted, “I went back with someone I knew and grabbed the guy by the — you know, and grabbed him, and … hit him against the stall with his head, actually.”

UPDATE: Tucker responds:
Let me be clear about an incident I referred to on MSNBC last night: In the mid-1980s, while I was a high school student, a man physically grabbed me in a men’s room in Washington, DC. I yelled, pulled away from him and ran out of the room. Twenty-five minutes later, a friend of mine and I returned to the men’s room.

The man was still there, presumably waiting to do to someone else what he had done to me. My friend and I seized the man and held him until a security guard arrived.

Several bloggers have characterized this is a sort of gay bashing. That’s absurd, and an insult to anybody who has fought back against an unsolicited sexual attack. I wasn’t angry with the man because he was gay. I was angry because he assaulted me.

And where are we going with this Tucker?? Are are goung down memory lane in high school. Tucker is comparing his lovetap moment with this dude to Craig soliciting sex to the undercover officer? And how did Tucker know that the guy on this alleged attack on him in high school was gay?

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Loose lips sink ships and now the world knows Tucker is gay but hiding it. Now we see that Senator Craig married a woman with kids to cover his secret. Tucker is leading a double life and he knows it. Justice Roberst married with children to cover up his secrets. Now the only one in the GOP group that stands out as a open gay and proud of it is Justice Alito. Yes he has a wife but even a blind person could see through that mirage.