Saturday, August 18, 2007

Mark your calendar, folks: The Rugby Man event in Chi-town.

Here is the link about the October event.

Congrats to the Rugby Man!


airJackie said...

Ok Little Angel make sure you wear the blue paisley tie and a dark blue suit. Make sure you take a picture smiling so I can download it. This event might be two expensive for Randall. He works on a DOJ salary which isn't much. Be nice but don't shake anyone's hand and as for the ladies be careful really careful you never know. Is Lisa Lisa Cult Jam going to the event if she is make sure your 50,000 yards away from her she's trouble. Ask Randall if you don't know who Lisa is.
When you take your much needed vacation make sure you come to Riverside California to visit me.
I'll mark the date of your event on my calendar. Remember to smile.

KittyBowTie1 said...

The cat is a member of the BGA and is trying to get one of the "limited" number of lower priced tickets.

The BGA is generally a good organization, if one neverminds the cost of their fund-raisers.

Fund-raiser dinners in the Chicago area are not cheap. There was one I wanted to go to for diabetes research. They did not even make the price public. I knew if I had to ask how much dinner was, I knew I couldn't afford it!

KittyBowTie1 said...

P.S. Jackie--The FBI man is on TV a lot in the Chicago area. He always looks sharp. Somebody has to catch the bad guys first, so they can get their day in court.

SP Biloxi said...


I hope that you can get a ticket. I got the notice way too late. And the ticket price on the flier is way too pricey. Besides, I have commitments in October around that timeframe. If you attend, fill in the potholes for us about the event. ;D

airJackie said...

Mr. Kitty I just thought of something. Now this fund raiser is using the Little Angel award to draw people in. What's with that. Most of the people are coming to see my Little Angel so why would he have to pay for a ticket. Their making money off his name and reputation. I'm not feeling good now about this. I love the fact that Fitz is recognized for his hard work but then again I don't want him to be used.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Jackie--Same here. The little nobodies like me have to suffer under the corrupt leaders. I have suffered under both Gov. Ryan and Gov. Blago. I really suffered under Blago because I wasn't sure if I was still going to get paychecks. He gave the legislature a >9% pay increase but I do not expect a pay raise this year. I cannot afford a regular-priced ticket. The people who can afford to pay whatever are not usually the ones who have to suffer under corrupt leaders.

But, if an organization like this did not have fund-raisers, they would have no money to go after the corrupt. Usually, a big portion of a dinner like that is tax-deductible. An organization like that needs to be outside the government, and run as a non-profit.

SP Biloxi said...

"Usually, a big portion of a dinner like that is tax-deductible. An organization like that needs to be outside the government, and run as a non-profit."

That is interesting to know. But, I have to agree with Jackie. Why would the two people who are receiving an award have to pay for the event especially at that price? And it is shame that the Rugby Man is being used as a poster man and a drawing attraction.