Saturday, August 18, 2007

Koolaid Alert: Falafel King lost his mind.

From Americablog:

You can hang your coat on the Pinocchio schnozz of Bill O'Reilly, who made Keith Olbermann's "Worst Person in the World" (yet again), this time for asserting mythical Pew Research poll results O'Reilly claimed showed "most Americans won't vote for you if you get an endorsement by a gay rights group." Media Matters quickly shot him down on that front:
A Media Matters for America search turned up no Pew Research Center poll on the topic nor any poll asking a nationwide sample whether respondents would be more or less likely to vote for a candidate endorsed by a gay rights organization. However, as the News Hounds blog noted in response to O'Reilly's claim, an August 6-8 Quinnipiac Poll of voters in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania found that a majority of voters in each state responded that support for a presidential candidate by "gay rights groups" "doesn't ... make a difference" in their level of support for the candidate.
The Faux News Factor 'bot, when called on his lack of any documentation of polling statistics, tried to cloud the issue, but never admitted his "mistake."
During the August 15 edition of Fox News' The O'Reilly Factor, host Bill O'Reilly read an email from Cindi Creager of the Gay and Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation that criticized him for "erroneously report[ing] that a poll found most Americans would not vote for a presidential candidate endorsed by a gay rights organization."


KittyBowTie1 said...

First of all, O'Reilly looks deranged in that picture.

Second of all, I should have asked this weeks ago. Falafel is a Middle Eastern food. It's quite yummy, actually, minus the hummus, which I don't like, well, then, it's probably no longer real falafel without hummus. How in the world did Kool Aid boy get the nickname Falafel King?

SP Biloxi said...

The pic is everyone's favorite. So, I decided to keep it. To answer your question to why O'Reilly is called the Falafel King?

The answer stems from the court documents from his harrasment lawsuit with plaintiff Andrea Mackris. I will give you snip of it because I read the lawsuit long time ago and it makes me wonder why that pervert is still employed:

It is in this report on p. 16 that you will find the highly offensive falafel statement.

According to the complaint by Mackris, O'Reilly said, "And then I would take the other hand with the falafel (sic) thing and I'd put it on your [another-name-for-a-young-kitten]."

Yes, I love falafel. I used to eat them in my college days. But if you understand what a falafel is, then you know why O'Reilly called that name. ;-)

Anonymous said...

Kitty also, this is no joke, but Falafel guy has a children's book out, telling them how to respect women, giving advice on sex, drugs etc. and it's in it's second printing. This is not a joke.