Friday, August 24, 2007

Kalifornia finally has a budget!

• Governor signs $145 Billion budget Friday
• But he slashes spending with line-item vetoes

An operating budget for the state of California that was supposed to be in place on July 1, was signed into law Friday by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger.

But the signing ceremony came only after the governor eliminated spending that could add up to as much as $700 million.

The line item vetoes were part of the deal made to get two Republican votes in the state Senate to achieve a two-thirds majority that moved the budget to the governor’s desk.

Included in the cuts is $55 million for services to homeless adults with serious mental illnesses, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

In the signing ceremony, Mr. Schwarzenegger said the budget eliminated the state’s operating deficit and creates a $4.1 billion reserve fund.

The contest is over between kittybowtie and myself..


Anonymous said...

Included in the cuts is $55 million for services to homeless adults with serious mental illnesses, according to the San Francisco Chronicle

You think they could have found some pork somewhere first and used some of the surplus here.

airJackie said...

I'll be glad when he's gone. Now Arie's trying to suck up to the voters as he knows the word Republican is hosed. He often said he is best friends with President Bush but lately he's no talking up his friend. So many elected officials are being investigated. Arnie better be careful Larry Flynt might have his name on the list.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ahnold and Baloneybitch must be sharing a brain.

SP Biloxi said...

LOL! Yup...