Saturday, August 18, 2007

Investing in Politics

From BLT:

Financial advisers prefer Rudolph Giuliani for president, reported Investment News earlier this week. In a survey of 205 advisers, 36 percent said that he would have the most positive effect on the U.S. economy and investing. "The industry is overwhelming Republican and Mr. Giuliani is a leader on the ticket," said one adviser. And the advisers surveyed really don't like Hillary Clinton, with 60 percent saying that she would be the worst candidate for the economy and investing. Only 13 percent thought that about John Edwards.

Yet perhaps the most famous investor in America is staying away from at least some of these presidential primary disputes. Warren Buffett, according to today's The New York Times, is strictly neutral between Sen. Clinton and Sen. Barack Obama. Buffett reportedly has contributed to and held fund-raisers for both these Democratic candidates.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Big business knows and idiot when they see one and Rudy is just right. The Gerbil allowed big business to steal from the US Treasury and Rudy will all so turn a blind eye to more stealing. There's one problem Rudy is seen as to stupid and dumb to be President. Rudy still says he saved the third tower that no one but him has seen. I can't remember a candidate for President that didn't have his own State now we have Rudy who can't even get New York to vote for him.