Saturday, August 18, 2007


French cat from Americablog.

The cat is bored to tears as I am. And it looks like the cat is eating good.

Giuliani-McCain: That's the Ticket? — McCain Tells ABC News He's 'Flattered' by Rival Giuliani — Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz., and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani are rivals for the 2008 Republican nomination, but you wouldn't know it by asking them. — In an interview …

In an interview with ABC News Radio Friday, McCain said he is "flattered" that Giuliani would support his bid for the White House were he not trying to win the job for himself.

At a campaign event Aug. 8, 2007, Giuliani told a crowd in Iowa, "I happen to be a very big admirer of Sen. McCain and I can tell you quite honestly that if I weren't running for president I would be here supporting him. If for some reason I made a decision not to run he'd be my candidate."

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Two losers. McCain gave a hug to Bush and was promised the Oval Office. Rudy was the only one at the WTC for a long time even the police/firefighters didn't stay as long as he did and he save the third tower. Yes no one has seen the third tower but Rudy.
Looks like the GOP can't keep it's promise to McCain. He dropped to riding a scooter next he'll be walking. Fred needs medical help. Mitt is buying votes can't wait for him to get here in California. I'll be waiting for my 1,000 cash and a sticker that reads Vote Mitt he pays well.