Friday, August 17, 2007

CNN: Snowjob may resign as early as September.


Yesterday, ThinkProgress noted that White House Press Secretary Tony Snow revealed that he will not be “going the distance” and will resign before President Bush’s term is over. Today, CNN reports that it has “independently learned that it could be as early as September when he actually leaves his job.”


KittyBowTie1 said...

This guy certainly looks like he aged 20 years in just a few months. That would be the chemo.

airJackie said...

Really who cares when Tony leaves he has lied from day one. Now he's looking for people to feel sorry for him because he's sick. I noticed he had no problem calling our dead troops just numbers. But Tony said his job is only about the money he receives nothing else. He did his job lying to the public for the White House but his own insensitive remarks about the US soldiers will be his down fall. All of us have to answer to God for our actions and Tony has alot to answer for.