Friday, August 17, 2007

The Aqua Velva Fred looks bad...

Crooks and Liars:
I can understand why he hasn’t announced yet. He looks nothing like the Aqua Velva man Tweety called him…I hope it’s just because he lost some weight. The fact that he’s doing so well in the polls without doing anything except making a Youtube video about Michael Moore is a true reflection of how bad their candidates are being perceived. Can someone talk about the legal issues that he brings up?
Thompson: Yes, I do. I really do. We’re going to be getting in, if we get in, and of course we’re testing the waters phase, legality. We’re going to make a statement shortly that’ll cure all of that, but yes, we’ll be in traditionally when people get in.


KittyBowTie1 said...

Thompson is the Republican protest vote against Pretty Boy Mormon and Bed Hopping Rudy.

He looks like he aged 20 years from that crime show.

KittyBowTie1 said...

P.S. We are about to get whacked again with insane gas prices.

I'm starting to think Mother Nature hates Texas.

Anonymous said...

At the Illinois State Fair GOP day the straw poll had Romny won.
Il State Fair GOP day

airJackie said...

Fred looks like a dead man walking. I can't believe he aged so fast. The last picture I saw of him was with this young wife and baby children. He looks as old as Rummy. Fred might be going to the nursing home not the Oval Office.
Now if this is the man Tweety loves he might want to take better care of him.

SP Biloxi said...

"Thompson is the Republican protest vote against Pretty Boy Mormon and Bed Hopping Rudy. He looks like he aged 20 years from that crime show."

"Fred looks like a dead man walking"

Ha Ha! You two are too much..Kittybowtie and Jackie are the new Shields and Brooks of the blog.