Friday, August 24, 2007

Another GOP lawmaker bailed out..

With the retirements of Reps. Hastert (IL-14), Pryce (OH-15), and Pickering (MS-03) last week, the Republican caucus has been bracing itself for more surprises. Today brings another retirement: embattled Rep. Rick Renzi (AZ-01). From Roll Call:

Rep. Rick Renzi (R-Ariz.) said Thursday in a statement obtained by Roll Call that he will not seek re-election in 2008, ending months of speculation regarding the ethically clouded Congressman's political future.

"I will not be seeking re-election to the U.S. House of Representatives in 2008. I am honored and thankful to serve Arizona's first district and appreciate all that we have accomplished together over the past 6 years." [...]

Renzi staved off a spirited challenge from his Democratic challenger last cycle, but saw his political fortunes plummet following an FBI raid of a business connected to his family as part of a federal probe into his dealings as a Congressman.

Renzi has not admitted to any wrongdoing, but it has become increasingly clear that the investigation would imperil any 2008 re-election bid, and possibly result in him facing multiple GOP primary challengers.


airJackie said...

A lot of elected officials will have to be replaced. Just the word Republicans turns people off. The sad thing is for 6 years the taxpayers have been robbed and we will have to pay it back.
Oh SPB Senator Vitter used his time in Iraq for prostitution and didn't see a thing.

SP Biloxi said...

"Oh SPB Senator Vitter used his time in Iraq for prostitution and didn't see a thing."

Vitter better worry that Ms. Palfrey will call Vitter as a witness. Vitter should have lawyered up while he was in Iraq.