Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tweety to Pillow Talk Miller: I ’sympathize with Scooter Libby.’

Sigh.. Here we go from Hardballs..

From Thinkprogress:

On MSNBC’s Hardball this evening, host Chris Matthews briefly spoke to former New York Times reporter Judy Miller about her role in the “Scooter” Libby trial. At the end of the conversation, Matthews remarked “You can’t talk about the case, I completely understand that. I sympathize with you. And I sometimes even sympathize with Scooter Libby.”

When is Tweety going to stop?? It's nauseating to read of his ass kissing reporting that he does. Now, he sympathizes with the little soldier. Sympathizes with what: Libby being a convicted felon or Libby meeting with his new parent called the "probation officer" for the next two and a half years??? I'm telling you. All the neocons idiots should have their own planet because they sure as hell are polluting this one.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Tweety is looking to sell his book so he's sucking up to the whore. At lease these two have something in common both are brought and paid for by the GOP. As for the Scooter comment I think he's been dying to say that for so long and he just got that chance. NBC can do much better then Tweety. Tweety is bringing them down. David Gregory got paid and is a sell out to the people. So far Brian Williams stands alone. Timmy lost his viewers because he is scared to ask the tough questions and tries to promote his guest books.