Saturday, July 21, 2007

"Sustain McCain" = Panhandling

The man is desperate for dough..

JL Newsjunkies:

Reach deep in your pockets and in your car to look for that loose change for the geritol candidate in Arizona..

From Rawstory:

Sen. John McCain, whose presidential campaign seems as mired in quagmire as the war he so ardently supports, said he was the only one to blame for the "failures" of his bid for the White House.

Meanwhile, his campaign sent supporters a plea for donations necessary to "sustain" his candidacy.

"I'm responsible for the failure's within my campaign. ... It's my fault and my fault alone," McCain said in an interview Thursday with Ed Morrissey on BlogTalkRadio.

McCain told Morrissey, who blogs at Captain's Quarters, that he would not be exiting the presidential race. He blamed his faltering performance on spending too much money, and he said he understood the backlash voters aimed at him because of his vocal support of immigration reform.

The Arizona senator said he was confident that his slimmed-down campaign would be able to raise enough money to be competitive in the coming months. McCain said most people are not paying close attention to the race right now and predicted he would be able to recapture the magic that led him to victory in the 2000 New Hampshire primary.

McCain's campaign apparently recognizes the predicament it is in, and an e-mail to supporters sent Friday is soliciting campaign donations to "Sustain McCain."

"Do you want to sustain John McCain?" the e-mail asked. "Join the thousands of McCainiacs who are the McCain Sustainers."

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