Monday, July 16, 2007

Pentagon reaches out to conservative bloggers.

Wow! And say it backwards: Wow!

From Thinkprogress:

Stocked full of “administration cronies,” the Pentagon’s public affairs division under assistant secretary of defense for public affairs Dorrance Smith, has set up a rapid-response project that “seeks to bypass the traditional media and work directly with talk radio and bloggers, mostly those with a heavily conservative tilt.” Once known as the “Surrogates Operation,” the project also “provides talking points and briefings to retired military officials who now support the administration in appearances as media pundits.”


dream-soldier said...

Beloved friends,
Because of the world wide work you are collectively doing
tomorrow is going off without a hitch from our end of things.
We can clearly see the unfolding
of all possibilities around ‘Fire the Grid.‘

It is smooth sailing in all dimensions and realities of Earth
and what we witness is a glorious activation
of all light fields from the grid
that has been deactivated by us
of all harmful intent.

Much preparatory work on Earth‘s grid
has been carried out by us your friends
over the past four Earth days
to ensure a smooth changeover
for the collective consciousness of this planet.
We did encounter numerous growths etc.
that were effectively removed by your friends
in the Healing Order of the Emerald Star.
All your perceptions on Fire the Grid
have been accurate according to your
direct experience of your field of perception
as it operates around the world.

What I am saying here is
that the collective intent in this great harmonisation tomorrow
is fully honoured and all is being carried out

Quan Yin, Alena Tau and The Healing Order
of the Emerald Star are currently conducting last minute tweakings
of Earth‘s grid in order to prepare it for a monumentous influx
from the fullness of home tomorrow as you unite
and open the heart to allow it
to flower collectively in the fullness of home.
A world wide healing is being conducted
by us your friends to shift the mass consciousness
beyond all former world perceptions
that it has operated from all this time.

This healing is instrumental
in removing the remaining fear based energetics
that pollute your consciousness now and again
and attempt to hold up the show for one and all.

Last week we witnessed a stage of your collective growth
where the gremlin of doubt was released
through the internet around Fire the Grid.
This gremlin merely fulfilling it‘s divine purpose
was released via a great healing
that transpired on behalf of hearts the world over.

Old wounds were borne
for a much needed healing and reintegration with the truth.
Now you can know that you are indeed moving beyond
all that has gone before. We reiterate once more
all that we have been saying in our previous messages
that Mark has released lately.
You are doing your work that is
benefitting the collective now and forever
and the entire show is now greatly easing up
as the New World can now more easily
take shape in your awareness.
The land of infinite bounty is already at hand.

What we are now collectively doing
is a last minute cleaning of house to prepare
the world for this directly conscious experience.
Last night the full activation of the Christ
was witnessed at a world wide level
forever shifting the world‘s perception once more.
Doubt may be there until the last moment
of this great unfolding but know that it merely reflects
your last minute grazes and scratches nothing more.

You are proving you are more powerful
than you can possibly imagine.
We acknowledge all that you are collectively doing
and it is important to listen to your own heart
above all else at this time.

In love, honour, gratitude and infinite respect,
I am your brother,



Ashtar Speaks:
Story Site:
The Chalice Emerged:

Anonymous said...

OK, to what whacked out religion does that belong?

Calling Tom Cruise!!!!!!!