Wednesday, July 18, 2007

New deputy attorney general named.

From Thinkprogress:

Craig S. Morford, currently the U.S. attorney in Nashville, has been named to replace Paul McNulty as acting Deputy Attorney General. Morford is “best known for his case against former Rep. James Traficant, an Ohio Democrat convicted in 2002 of accepting bribes and gifts from businessmen in exchange for intervening with government agencies.”

We shall see about this new DAG...

Update: The Senate Judiciary Committee, however, has signaled that it won't confirm any senior Justice Department appointees until it gets the documents and testimony it wants from the White House. So it's unclear when (if ever) Morford will take McNulty's place.

1 comment:

airJackie said...

Now let's see if he follows Karl Rove's orders or if he brings his fellow Republicans to justice. My bet is same thing just different person. You can't get a job in the White House Mafia team unless you follow the criminal acts and cover up for the criminal acts.