Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Ms. Palfrey makes a valid point.

From Crooks and Liars:
When Sen. David Vitter of Louisiana confessed to “a very serious sin” on Monday night, Debra Jean Palfrey was not about to forgive him. Sin is one thing; but Palfrey believes Vitter — a proponent of the “sanctity of marriage” — should fess up if that sin was a crime as well. [..]”Why am I the only person being prosecuted?” she told TIME over the phone. “Sen. Vitter should be prosecuted [if he broke the law]” Read more…
Commentary: Since Ms. Palfrey is accused by the government of running a prosecution service, why aren't Senator Vitter and Randall Tobias being probed by the government since they were participants of her service? And yes, both denied that there were no sex involved. But, why did Senator Vitter ask for forgiveness of his sin when he said that nothing happened? Both Vitter, Tobias and others who are on the list should be called as witnesses.


airJackie said...

SPB there was no crime.
The Senator was confessing to God and his wife as their the only ones he hurt. Good point on the Witness issue. In some takes those who are clients are just as guilty as those who service. Now maybe with the names coming out we can see what this is really about. Already Vitters is trying to save his seat and say let's forget about his and move on. Vitters has really helped Ms. Palfrey's case as we find out was it sex or fantasy?

Now if it's fantasy that Ms. Palfrey is charged with look out Victoria Secrets and other woman's stores that show ladies in their underwear and bar. Oh and Desperate Housewives, Grey's, 24 and many more TV shows that show half naked people will get charged with crimes against the eyes. Connie will have to snick into Georges room now as it's a crime and sin for pillow talk with the other woman. Mitt will have to withdraw from the race, Rudy can't look for another wife and Fred will have to keep a better eye on his Bari doll wife.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Ummmmm, wasn't that Jimmy Carter who admitted to a sin because he confessed to having lust? He never acted on anything but to him, the thought of lust was a sin.