Sunday, July 22, 2007

In Braindead Media, David Brooks: ‘I’m so confused’ about what to do in Iraq.

And how the hell would he know what to do? He's just a journalist...

From Thinkprogress:

Fresh off his hero worship of President Bush, New York Times columnist David Brooks said last night on the PBS Newshour that he’s more confused than ever about Iraq. “Let me say, I’m more uncertain about what to do than I’ve ever been in this war,” he said. “I really have no clue. So I almost have no judgment on what we should do, stay or go. I really am so confused.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I saw David Brooks when he was on the Jim Lehrer news hour say this........yes, he has no clue what should be done here. Gosh David Brook against Mark Shields, as if Mark Shields isn't smart enough, he makes Mark Shields look like the Dali Lama.