Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Gonzo finally gives Fitzgerald ‘a good evaluation.’

From the Washington Post Al Kamen reports:

In the Justice Department’s Great Hall (the very room where giant, blue drapes covered the underdressed statuary during John Ashcroft’s tenure as attorney general), an array of prosecutors, securities regulators and FBI honchos gathered yesterday to celebrate the fifth anniversary of the President’s Corporate Fraud Task Force.

“Good job,” Gonzales said, extending his hand to Fitzgerald. Must have been thinking of Fitzgerald’s office’s successful prosecution last week of media mogul Conrad Black for fraud, obstruction, etc. Fitzgerald, taken aback, didn’t say much in response, our colleague Carrie Johnson reports.

Loop Fans may recall that a former Gonzales aide had placed Fitzgerald’s name on a list of prosecutors who had “not distinguished themselves” in March 2005, just after Fitzgerald had indicted former GOP Illinois governor George Ryan and as he was investigating the leak of the identity of CIA officer Valerie Plame.

UPDATE: Kamen adds that President Bush did not recognize Gonzales’ at yesterday’s White House Tee Ball game. “I see Alphonso Jackson and Dirk Kempthorne of my Cabinet, who have joined us. I’m proud you all are here,” said Bush. Gonzales was sitting directly behind Jackson and Kempthorne.


I would be very leery on Gonzo's "good evaluation" speech to Fitzgerald. And why did Gonzo praise Fitzgerald now and now when he saw Fitzgerald in Chicago (when it was exposed by Fitzgerald having a bad evaluation) at an event a few months ago ? This is simply a smokescreen by Gonzo to divert the real underlining priblem in the Department of Justice. Fitzgerald should have been praised for his work as U.S. Attorney as well as Special Prosecutor. Conrad Black is not the only big case that Fitzgerald worked on. Try Rezko, Governor George Ryan, and so on. This is simply a "cover the ass" strategy by Gonzo to correct the wrong that he has done to Fitzgerald and to the Justice Department. Sure, Fitzgerald deserves praise but what about the seven attorneys that were fired for political reasond who were given good evaluations? All the coverup in the world by Gonzo will not change that he needs to be removed as Attorney General.

And memo to Fitzgerald: If Gonzo gave you a good evaluation ,with a signed contract to reappoint you as U.S. Attorney in Chicago, and an increase, then Gonzo is correcting his wrong by you. If Gonzo gave you a good evaluation, without a signed contract to reappoint you as U.S. Attorney, and without an increase, that's major red flag my friend. This still gives the ability of Gonzo to appoint another U.S. Attorney for his choosing since Fitzgerald's term as USA is up. A good evaluation, yes but a possible claim of office politics to EOE if released of his duties as USA, no. This is all in the name of politics! That shake from Gonzo to Fitzgerald is equivalent to the kiss of Judas to Jesus. Do I trust Gonzo? What do you think?

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