Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Flynt hints another Senator on the list.

On Larry King:
FLYNT: We've got good leads. We've got over 300 initially. And they're down to about 30 now which is solid.
KING: When are you going to print?
FLYNT: Well, the last thing now is we don't know if we want to let it to drip, drip, drip or we want to go with everything at once.
KING: You mean you might release 30 names at once?
FLYNT: A good possibility.
KING: Will we be -- I don't want to get into names yet. Will we be shocked?
KING: Were you shocked?
FLYNT: I was shocked, especially at one senator but...
KING: One senator especially?
Which Senator do you think that Flynt will reveal? Hmmm?
And Senator DeMint seemed to be very nervous when asked about his buddy Senator Vitter...


airJackie said...

Ok I'll say Hatch or Hastert are on the list. Yes I know what your thinking. But I think two people that would be the most unlikely people just might give a call for a evening of fantasy.

SP Biloxi said...

"Hatch or Hastert"

LOL! But, hey, you never know, Jackie! I'm not going to say that you are wrong. But, it would be hilarious if it is Hatch!!!

jan said...

I keep thinking it may be McCain