Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Did WH politicize capture of top al Qaeda leader?

From Thinkprogress:

Today, the Bush administration announced that it has arrested the “highest-ranking Iraqi leader of al-Qaeda in Iraq.” The announcement comes just one day after the release of the National Intelligence Estimate. Interestingly, as TPM notes, the capture took place two weeks ago but was not announced until today.”

Interesting timing...


airJackie said...

Al Queada is on a as needed basis. Look it's getting old now when the White House wants to put fear back in the American people's mine here comes a video or Al Queada. The only people that believe Bush now are stupid people. Putin is laughing his butt off.

Anonymous said...

When things don't look good for this administration the capture/kill of some Al Qaeda someone is sure to gets some media spin.