Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The comment of the day from SCOTUSblog.

I thought this person makes an interesting point about his thoughts of Rita's attorneys seeking rehearing and citing the Libby order. It is a bit frustrating for attorneys and judges who abide by the law and the judicial system have to decipher a decision by an idiot President who watched too much of 'Law and Order' when he commuted Libby. The person writes:

I understand that the job of a defense attorney is to raise just about any argument that could conceivably help his client, no matter how silly, but this one takes the cake for silly.
Why on earth would any court, much less the SCOTUS, reconsider an earlier judgment because of *legally meaningless* comments the President made explaining to the public why he commuted Libby's sentence? Bush could have said "i commute Libby's sentence because the fruit-loop goddess said i should" for all the *legal* difference it would have made. His explanation is irrelevant, except from a public relations point of view, because legally the pardon power doesn't require any explanation at all.

Talk about litigation run amok ...

Fruit-Loop goddess... LOL!

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