Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Breaking: Another Senate Phone Number from Palfrey's phone records.

From David Corn's website:

Scores of readers have written to me with ideas on how to find out who was at the other end of the phone call between the DC Madam and a number in the U.S. Senate (see item below). Several have scoured old congressional directories--so far with no luck. But now we have a second chance. Another Senate number has been dug out of the phone records of Deborah Jeane Palfrey. Here it is:


For those looking for a pattern, the first number after the 224 prefix is a 9--just like the first Senate number. This call was made on October 1, 1999 at 4:12 pm. It lasted for a minute and a half. The number is now disconnected. I encourage those who have searched congressional directories for the first number to add this number to their list--and look again.

David is right. It is a disconnected number. But, the prefix is from a Senator's office.

Update: David Corn sent me an email to go back on his website. He posted another phone number possible linked to Senate. Here is an excerpt from his website:

The most intriguing number I came across was this:


There was a brief call between someone at this number and Palfrey the day after Christmas in 1998. What's interesting is that 224 is the prefix for Senate phone numbers. The obvious question, then, is, who in a Senate office was talking to the DC Madam? Could it have been a senator? Senator David Vitter, a Louisiana Republican who has acknowledged calling her service, was not elected to the Senate until 2004. Or was it a Senate aide looking to take advantage of her services? Or was it a Senate employee working for the escort service? Or did someone dial a wrong number?


Patrick J. Fitzgerald said...

Two ringy dingies?

jan said...

Hehe, people are so naughty ;D

PrissyPatriot said...

Yes, I see that number;) Thanks for the tip.

SP Biloxi said...

Two ringy dingies?