Friday, July 13, 2007

Blowjob Allen will fight his prostitution charges.

Man, look how cheap he was. To give a Walmart price for sex is an insult to the prostitutes themselves. And now the doughboy is fighting a charge in which he got caught. Can we take away his spending money for blowjobs for good to piss him off?

From Crooks and Liars:

In a tearful, blubbering performance at a press conference Bob Allen vowed to fight this grave injustice to the bitter end.

Thursday charges (.pdf of arrest) that he offered to perform oral sex on an undercover male police officer for $20.

Allen, who sponsored a failed bill that would have tightened the state’s prohibition on public sex, scheduled a news conference at his lawyer’s office to discuss Wednesday’s arrest.


PrissyPatriot said...

$20 to make him holla? Where do the republicans get these guys... Underneath a rock?

airJackie said...

Now here we have another case of I didnt do it but. Not only is he caught but with a police officer none the less. George Michael was caught and did his time, so will Allen. He might have better luck in jail. There he wont need 20 dollars just ciggies.

SP Biloxi said...

"Underneath a rock?"

Prissy and Jackie:

Giving 20 bucks for a blowjob is equivalent to a sample of food at Safeway supermarket! Allen certainly made Bill Clinton looked like a choir boy. And to corner the undercover police officer in bathroom because Allen wanted a brokeback moment that bad tells you how filthy (and I mean filthy bastards) some of the politicans that are coming out of the woodwork preaching morality. Allen is crying to fight his charges while he wanted that officer to take him to the bridge for a dime job. Everyday we turn and hear the GOP network in action!

KittyBowTie1 said...

$19.95 will buy you a bag of cat food. What a cheap bastard.

SP Biloxi said...

"$19.95 will buy you a bag of cat food. What a cheap bastard."

Ha Ha!