Sunday, July 22, 2007

Baghdad Kristol sandbags Dailykos.

This is getting nauseating..

As Think Progress says:

NPR’s Juan Williams points out, what Kristol describes “as left is now center.” “The majority of the American people, 70 percent, want us out of Iraq,” noted Williams. “In fact, if you asked Iraqis, 60 some percent of Iraqis say we’re doing more harm than good in Iraq.” In a survey conducted by Pew Internet and American Life after the 2006 mid-term election, “online political activists” were said to “mirror the general population of those who are civically active.” Like the progressive blogosphere, a solid majority of Americans believe President Bush should not have commuted the sentence of his former aide, Scooter Libby.

The attendees of the YearlyKos convention haven’t “gone left.” Kristol just doesn’t understand how radically right wing he is.


Anonymous said...

Bill Kristol of Faux noose. First problem anyone associated with the Faux news network, and it was on.....Faux news. It is the right wing feel good station. I can't possibly take anything seriously that is on Faux news, or anyone on it for that matter. Anyone with any intelligence, anyone who watches real news, or reads real news won't take this seriously. But unfortunately we have a lot of very uniformed people and that's why we have two years of the Gerbil Administration.

Anonymous said...

Sorry Two terms, not two years, even two years caused enough damage domestically and abroad.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Juan Williams is a sell-out on Faux Nuzzz. When he talks, the camera always pans away from him and shows Kristol rolling his eyes. It is sickening. I'm not going to call Kristol a racist but I certainly would like to hear him explain himself.

SP Biloxi said...

"Juan Williams is a sell-out on Faux"

I've lost a lot of respect for Juan Williams long time ago. He had the audacity of criticizing journalist Armstrong Williams when Armstrong sold his soul to the Gerbil Administration to promote the Gerbil's agenda a couple of years ago. He called Armstrong Williams a sell out. A look what Juan William turned out to be. Kristol, O'Reilly, and Coultergeist need to graze in the pastures. People like them feed on each other.