Thursday, June 28, 2007

The nursing home is calling Senator Mitch McConnell

From Crooks and Liars:

Bob Geiger has the latest ridiculous statement McConnell’s made, this time on the Employee Free Choice Act.

From Bob Geiger:

If you've eaten in the last hour or so, you may not want to read this[McConnell's statement]:

More than three centuries ago, settlers in the New World began to put into practice the political ideals that brought them here and for which many of their descendants would later fight and die.One of the most important of these was the ideal of political freedom, and one the most concrete expressions of it was the right to vote in secret, without harassment and without coercion. Rejecting the English Parliamentary tradition, several colonies, including all the New England colonies, established secret elections as the norm.

The secret ballot has been standard everywhere else in this country for more than a century. It simply hasn't been questioned. Americans have come to assume that in everything from electing their high school yearbook editor to their President, their vote is sacred and it is secret.That is, until now.

The so-called "Employee Free Choice Act" is an assault on the centuries-old practice of secret voting, and the fact that we are here in this Chamber discussing it at all is a scandal.

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