Friday, May 25, 2007

U.S. Attorney wanted; Experience required.

From McClatchy Newspaper:

WASHINGTON - The Bush administration's decision to fire nine U.S. attorneys last year has created a new problem for the White House: The controversy appears to be discouraging applications for some of the 22 prosecutor posts that President Bush needs to fill.

Of the nation's 93 U.S. attorneys, 22 are serving without Senate confirmation as interim or acting prosecutors. They represent districts in Alaska, Arizona, California, the District of Columbia, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, Iowa, Maine, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New Mexico, Puerto Rico, Tennessee, West Virginia and Washington.

White House spokesman Tony Fratto said the administration is committed to nominating candidates for all 22 open positions, but so far the administration has submitted only four nominees.


PrissyPatriot said...

Here's a question of the week for you.

If at least two of the US Attorneys were said to be fired for "low prosecution rates of illegal immigration"- how could that possibly be relevant when Bush is trying to make their status "legal??

Maybe a loyal Bushie can explain it? Where is Dr Evil when you need him?

SP Biloxi said...

First of all,

All of the 8 fired USAs had good performances. Now, if the USAs had low performances due to illegal immigration, then that would be a different story.

The entire hiring of the USAs under the Bush Adminoistration was based on political and loyal Bushie hiring.

Bush is not for or against immigration. His only concern is to hire Bush loyals and push certain issues in favor of the Bush Admininistration for poltical reasons.

Monica Goodling violated the labor law. And that is hiring and firing DOJ employees based on political affliation.

teak said...

How come no one asked Greg Palast about those emails? Hasn't anyone seen that video and the suppressed Black voters in Florida that Tim Griffin tried to call felons? This was out way before he was *made* USA for Arkansas. What about the lost black military votes?

Isn't this about who was installed in place of the fired USAs as much as who was fired? 2008 elections?

jan said...

That so true teak. What of the ones who replaced the people?

SP Biloxi said...


You raise some good question. The Bush Administration's hiring purposes has been from the get-go is Bush loyals and political affiliation. With the use of Rove, the Administration knew what state, areas, and ethnicity to deprive them in voting and certain rights. It was politically strategized. It will take a long time for this country to heal and regain its dignity. Th Gerbil messed up this country in every aspects.