Friday, May 25, 2007

Surprise Number 1 of 2....

Meet blogger Jackie and Fitzgerald's spokesperson Randall Samborn! (click to enlarge the photo)

Blogger Jackie (left) and U.S. Attorney and Fitzgerald's spokesperson Randall Samborn (right). Yes, this is the real Jackie who blogged on the PJF blog and now blogs on Justice League and the real spokesperson for Patrick Fitzgerald, Randall. With the permission of Jackie per email, she emailed this photo which was taken April 27, 2007 at the train station in Chicago. Unfortunately Fitzgerald was not there. He was out of town on assignment. Jackie was on her way to see her daughter, Peaches, in Fort Drum, NY, and one of her train stops was in Chicago. Jackie informed me that she contacted Randall weeks ago to tell him that she would be in Chicago. Randall was nice enough to meet with Jackie for a few minutes when he got off of work.

I have to admit. I was a bit shock when I got this email photo from Jackie. Jackie got to meet her man, Randall! LOL! Also, Jackie and her daughter went to Ottawa, Canada and Niagra Falls. She told me that she will be emailing me photos of her trip. That will be posted when she returns so that Jackie can share her experiences with us about Canada. And yes, she told me that Canada hates Bush but love the American citizens. That is good to know.

Back to Randall. Jackie told me that she asked Randall this question that was on her mind. The question that she asked Randall was did Fitzgerald, anyone from Fitzgerald's prosecution team, or he ever met any of the bloggers on the PJF blogsite at Libby's trial? The answer from Randall was NO!!! So, that clears that mystery question. Although Randall cannot discuss Libby's sentencing, Randall did tell Jackie this:

1) Pay close attention to the sentencing of Scooter Libby.

2) Fitzgerald will be at the sentencing of Libby in DC on June 5.

Am I shock that I got this picture? You bet that I am! I am glad that Jackie got to meet Randall. And she did say that Randall was a nice, down-to-earth, and humorous person. We all thank Randall for all he did in the CIA leak case as he had to handle all the asswipes, idiots, moron, and clueless DC press pool of sharks during his press conferences!

Surprise Number 2 will be very soon. I hope you enjoy the photo of Jackie and Randall. Everyone have a safe and wonderful Memorial Day!


Anonymous said...

Now we know why Jackie has not been blogging on your blog lately!

jan said...

Way to go, JACKIE!!!

I really miss Jackie's blogging here- can't wait till she's back.

Thanks for sharing this SPB!

PrissyPatriot said...

Oh I don't believe it-OK maybe I do!

SP Biloxi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
SP Biloxi said...

Well, Prissypatriot:

I hate to break it to you. But, the picture is real. And that is the real Jackie and the real Randall Samborn. Samborn, some of the DOJ emoployees and Fitzgerald and been on the PJF blog looking at the comments. So, Jackie was rightfrom her comments on the PJF blog about herself and her legal background working in the NJ court as well as knowing Randall. I guess the mystery is over.

Jan and Chicago Native:

That is why Jackie hasn't been on the blog. She told me that was going on vacation with her daughter but I didn't know that she was going to Canada nor see Randall. But, I am glad that she got to see Randall. Hopefully, they will keep in touch. Anyhoo, you all have a wonderful weekend!


PrissyPatriot said...

I don't think you hated to break it to me at all LOL

I can't imagine what the next surprise will be! S-Q and I wondered where you had disappeared to.

SP Biloxi said...

Well, I guess you have to find out like everybody else on the blog.

Anonymous said...

I bet Randall and Fitz read From The Desk Of PJF daily. :D

jan said...

A grand weekend to you SPB ;D

Mrs. X said...

Oh, my. That is Jackie and Mr. Fitzgerald's spokesperson? That is certainly a surprise! Thank you SPB! And Randall is a handsome man, I must say. I look forward to your second surprise. I love surprises.

Good luck to Mr. Fitzgerald in court with Scooter Libby in June. I read about what Mr. Fitzgerald's recommendation for Scooter's sentence. It should be longer in my opinion. But, of course, this is Mr. Fitzgerald's call and he knows what is best. I do hope Mr. Libby goes to prison. He put the Wilson family through a lot of hell.

I hope you have a great weekend. I am going to catch a movie this weekend. Bye for now.

teak said...

Miss Jackie,

The look on your face makes me wonder what you might have been doing with your left hand. Way to go, girl. Randall is a cutie.

SP Biloxi said...

Mrs X:

Thanks for the article that you passed along to me. I will post that up shortly. I hope you have a good time at the movie. By the way, what movie are you going to see?


LOL! Seems like Jackie and Randall were having a good time at the train station. For an attorney, Randall has a sense of humor. But, Jackie did tell me that Randall appreciated all the bloggers' comments and support on the PJF blog in regards to Fitz's case. I think that Randall will appreciate the ladies on the blog making comments about his looks. I guess Randall is now the new hunk attorney on this blog! LMAO!

KittyBowTie1 said...

That's a great picture!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I hope Jackie has a nice vacation with Peaches, and thank God Peaches is in this country and not in the middle of a war.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Speaking of that blog, I'd like to see how those conspiracy theory idiots can explain how that tanker truck with the fuel burning up did not make steel melt destroying the overpass in CA.


The overpass was pre-rigged by a Jewish AIPAC conspiracy to blow up, right? HA HA HA HA

I cannot imagine what Randall and the Rugby Man thought, as in WTF is happening to the people in this country.

SP Biloxi said...

"Speaking of that blog, I'd like to see how those conspiracy theory idiots can explain how that tanker truck with the fuel burning up did not make steel melt destroying the overpass in CA."

It will be blamed on Al-Queda like anything else! LOL!

"I cannot imagine what Randall and the Rugby Man thought, as in WTF is happening to the people in this country."

That and WTF is happening to the DOJ? It is more and more a mess. Once Gonzo is dropped kick out from his job, the whole entire DOJ needs a serious ass scrubbing from the bottom all the way up to the food chain pronto. It is dishardened to see how Gonzo corrupted the justice system.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Gonzo has the same smirk stuck on his face, like it is Botoxed in place.

He's going to replace the wife as the next 'robot.'

jan said...

I saw that there are 22 slots open that were filled by Bushy Bots... no one wants to stand up to be hiered to fill them- what now?

Mrs. X said...

Hi, SPB!

I went to see the movie with Johnny Demp with my family. I enjoyed myself. I thought I drop by. I will pop back on on Tuesday. I have a busy schedule with family today and tomorrow. Enjoy your day. Bye for now.

SP Biloxi said...

"Gonzo has the same smirk stuck on his face, like it is Botoxed in place."

Botoxed... Hee hee, kittybowtie. You just say it all. And I goingto left that alone. ;-)

Mrs. X:

Glad you enjoyed your movie. I think I will catch movie tomorrow. I have to decide what I want to see since I haven't been to the movies in quite some time.