Saturday, May 26, 2007

Report: US may reduce US combat forces in Iraq by 50%

The White House is reportedly working on what officials describe as several "concepts" for cutting the number of American combat troops in Iraq by as much as 50 percent next year. Citing unnamed senior administration officials, The New York Times said the concepts could lower US troop levels in Iraq to roughly 100,000 by the time the 2008 US presidential election moves into high gear.

They would also greatly scale back the mission that President George W. Bush set for the US military when he ordered it in January to win back control of Baghdad and Anbar Province, the daily reported. The mission would instead focus on the training of Iraqi forces and fighting Al-Qaeda.

But there is no indication that Bush is preparing to call an early end to the current troop increase, The Times said.

Proponents of reducing the troops and scaling back their mission next year appear to include Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice, it said. More on the story.

This is not a surprise. The commander guy is planning to pass the buck and the mess in Iraq to the next President of 2008.


jan said...

"This is not a surprise. The commander guy is planning to pass the buck and the mess in Iraq to the next President of 2008."

Or, to Blackwater and Halliburton

KittyBowTie1 said...

I see this as more devious than that--the Gerbil knows that if there are still a ton of soldiers in Iraq, it doesn't matter who the Republicans have on the ticket, they ain't gonna win. So, reduce the number of troops before the 2008 election in the hopes that a Republican gets it next. This isn't about an exit strategy, helping end the violence in Iraq, or anything like that. This has one purpose and one purpose only--keep a Republican in the White House.

SP Biloxi said...


Cheney hearts the profits from Blackwater and Halliburton.


The Gerbil only gives a damn about the Gerbil. King Gerbil is making plans for himself to pass all the mess in Iraq and in this country to the next President. He never had a exit strategy for Iraq and never will. He hookwinked the American people ever since he crawled out of the sewer pipe and stole the Presidential election twice.

Anonymous said...

Yes, you are right Biloxi, the Gerbil is not going to clean up his mess the next administration will have to. And Kitty is right too, this might help the GOP for the next election. Or we can expect some more capture/kills etc coming up, especially around the next election.