Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Meanwhile...California Democratic Party Passes Resolution Demanding Impeachment of Bush and Cheney

Sparked by an insurgency among delegates, the California Democratic Party has taken an historic step forward on the issue of impeachment. In a resolution affirmed by the full state party convention Sunday, the Democrats called on the U.S. Congress to use its subpoena power to investigate misdeeds of President Bush and Vice President Cheney - and to hold the Administration accountable "with appropriate remedies and punishment, including impeachment." The delegate insurgency was coordinated by Progressive Democrats of America and its allies.
While Speaker Pelosi had declared impeachment "off the table," the Democratic Party rank-and-file has demonstrated its commitment to putting the issue "on" the table. And it's no longer just the rank-and-file: Even among the members of the convention's Resolutions Committee (appointed by the California Party chair), the impeachment resolution was the top vote-getter (tied with one other resolution).
Coming on the heels of mass actions and resolutions across the country in support of impeachment, and Congressman Dennis Kucinich's introduction of Articles of Impeachment against Cheney, this action by the powerful California Democratic Party builds on the pro-impeachment momentum.

The resolution refers to Bush and Cheney having acted in a manner "subversive of the Constitution" by ...

1. using false information to justify the invasion of Iraq
2. authorizing "the torture of prisoners of war"
3. "authorizing wiretaps on U.S. citizens without obtaining a warrant"
4. "disclosing the name of an undercover CIA operative"
5. suspending "the historic Writ of Habeas Corpus by ordering the indefinite detention of so-called enemy combatants"
6. "signing statements used to ignore or circumvent portions of over 750 Congressional statutes"
The resolution ends by calling for "vigorous investigation" and "appropriate remedies and punishment, including impeachment."


There has been so much talk about Pelosi's statement that "impeachment is off the table for Bush." Most folks need to keep in mind is that if you impeach Bush, then the next in line for the Presidency is Dick Cheney. What one doesn;t realize is that Dick Cheney is the person in charge of the White House, the CEO, COO, CFO, etc. and not Bush. You have to go after the strongest link: Dick Cheney. By impeaching Dick Cheney first, it forces Bush to resign as the President. If you impeach both Cheney and Bush, the next in line of the Presidency is Nancy Pelosi. Most folks are not paying attention to why Pelosi doesn't want to impeach Bush only.


Anonymous said...

Of course impeaching the puppet will do no good, there will be the puppet operator in charge. They both need to be long gone, that list of 6 things would have got a Democrat by now.

SP Biloxi said...

That's true. And notice how the GOP went on a tear to impeach Bill Clinton. It is better to get rid of both tweedledee and tweedledumb in office.