Sunday, May 06, 2007

Limpballs taking heat for racist song.

Why is Rush still on the air?
“Weeks after radio personality Rush Limbaugh began airing a parody song entitled ‘Barack the Magic Negro,’ the piece about African-American Sen. Barack Obama’s popularity with many white voters is drawing fire from critics who say it is racist. … For his part, Obama has been the subject of explicit, angry comments not only in emails and letters but in web postings. Samples of those writings were reviewed by members of Congress earlier this week when they recommended that Obama get a U.S. Secret Service detail.”


Anonymous said...

Why are any of this idiots still on the air? Bill O'Reilly, Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity .......any of them?

SP Biloxi said...

Good question... When racists spread racism in a divided country, it is time for them to go.