Wednesday, May 02, 2007

King George vetos on Iraq funding bill. Didn't read the fine print of that bill, George?

The Congress sent up the inadequate Iraq supplemental funding bill for the President's signature today. And he is signing, a veto message:
Democrats sent the Iraq war-spending bill to the White House this afternoon after a ceremony at the Capitol.

Aides to President Bush said he was eager to veto it before nightfall. . . .The White House said that Mr. Bush would wield his veto pen shortly after 6 p.m. Eastern time . . .

The Democrats are in luck. What a stupid move by Bush. The bill sent to him has no binding requirements on troop withdrawal. It has no binding benchmarks. It purports to require that withdrawal commence in 120 days but it has no requirement for when it should end. Bush could remove 1,000, or even 1, troop, and comply. And who is gonna call him on it anyway?

Pelosi and Congress still vow not to give the President a blank check.

And that is why Bush failed in 3 businesses.


Anonymous said...

They need to find out where all the money to the contactors dissapeared to as well.

SP Biloxi said...

That's Waxman's job. He has investigations into the Iraq reconstruction and the unaccountable money. We may not get all of the money recovered but Waxman and the Oversight Committee are doing their best to recover as mucj money as they can.