Friday, May 25, 2007

Fitzgerald: Libby deserves 2-3 years in prison.

From Think Progress:
“Former White House aide I. Lewis ‘Scooter’ Libby betrayed the public’s trust and deserves to spend 2 1/2 to 3 years in prison for obstructing the CIA leak investigation, Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald said Friday.”
“Particularly in a case such as this, where Mr. Libby was a high-ranking government official whose falsehoods were central to issues in a significant criminal investigation, it is important that this court impose a sentence that accurately reflects the value the judicial system places on truth-telling in criminal investigations,” Fitzgerald wrote in court documents.
U.S. District Judge Reggie B. Walton has broad discretion over Libby’s fate. Walton faces two important questions: whether to send Libby to prison and, if so, whether to delay the sentence until his appeals have run out.
Libby’s lawyers have not filed their sentencing documents yet but are expected to ask that he receive no jail time.
Knowing the defense team of Libby, Libby team may request probation for Libby since Libby doesn't have a criminal record.
Also, in the Washington Post article:
Libby's supporters have said that proves Fitzgerald's investigation ran amok. Fitzgerald rejected that idea Friday. The FBI pressed on because it was important to know whether the leaks were approved by others, Fitzgerald said, and Libby impeded that effort.
"Mr. Libby's prosecution was based not upon politics but upon his own conduct," Fitzgerald said.
Libby's supporters wrote letters to the court on his behalf, but Walton has not decided whether to make those letters public. Fitzgerald referenced those letters Friday and, even without the direct quotes, it's clear that some strongly criticized the investigation.
Libby's supporters, Fitzgerald said, have tried to "shift blame away from Mr. Libby for his illegal conduct and onto those who investigated and prosecuted Mr. Libby for unexplained 'political' reasons."
Interesting that Libby's supporters blame Fitzgerald's prosecution as politically motivated. If Libby was found innocent by the jury, would Libby's supporters still accuse Fitzgerald of running a politically motivated investigation? I don't think so! Yet, Libby never apologized to the Wilsons, the public, or to the court for his wrongdoings for leaking a covert identity to the reporters and ruining Ms. Wilson's career.


Anonymous said...

ex-Gov George Ryan is free on appeal now, I am not holding my breath on this one either.

SP Biloxi said...

Thaks for the info on Ryan. His case is very contraversial.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, at least I was happy at the verdict on Gov. Licenses for Bribes for a while.

I don't want to think about how mad the Rugby Man was about the lying juror who got booted off.