Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Chi-Town News: Urkelgate Alert!

Peraica caught in ethics flap, promises fight

In an ugly political spat even by Cook County standards, Commissioner Bill Beavers today forced through a measure that calls for a committee hearing on the office expenses of political rival Tony Peraica.
Peraica, who lost to Beavers protege Todd Stroger for county board president last year, acknowledged he had broken county ethics rules but said it was unintentional and heatedly promised retribution.
“I’m going to demand, commissioner, that you adhere to that same standard,” shouted Peraica (R-Riverside).
“I’m going to enforce it! So get ready!”

Any closer examination of the oft-ignored ethics rules could backfire for Beavers.
For years, the former Chicago alderman used the same address for his Democratic Party committeeman’s office — the headquarters of his political organization — as he used for his city-funded aldermanic office. His daughter, Darcel Beavers, was appointed as his replacement and is using it now.
Stroger could also run into ethics problems. A provision of the ordinance says “No official or employee shall participate in a hiring decision, in any agency over which such official … exercises immediate supervision with respect to any … relative of the official.”
Today, Stroger will ask the county board to appoint his cousin, Donna Dunnings, as his chief financial officer. The ethics ordinance includes cousins as relatives.

Audit: County Employees Frivolously Write Off Expenses

COOK COUNTY, Ill. -- Cook County employees apparently don't need much proof of purchase to get reimbursed for their expenses.
An audit found workers could simply give handwritten notes instead of receipts or sometimes provide nothing at all.
Gasoline was even being reimbursed without a receipt or explanation

County Board President Todd Stroger said he doesn't know how much the oversight cost the county, but he says the practice will come to an end.


Anonymous said...

There is no better TV than the Cook County Board meetings

Anonymous said...

I am still trying to figure out how the Toddster is going to get around the ethics issue of hiring cousing Donna Dunnings as Chief Financial officer, that's if the board approves. But I am sure she will use Seaway bank if she gets in that position.

SP Biloxi said...

Urkel will have a tough time getting around the ethics issue when many city official position don't allow a relative to be hired and supervised by that same family member. If he does get his counsin hired, they will certainly be an investigation into the board.