Tuesday, May 08, 2007

Bush's Royal Blunder

President Bush managed to commit one of the biggest possible no-nos, taken straight out of the Book of Things Never to Say to Women. He insinuated that the queen is older than her actual age.

LOL! Pictures don't lie...


KittyBowTie1 said...

Well, he must have gotten her approval rating in the U.S. mixed up with her age. Her approval rating is 80+ while his approval raing is still around 34. She gets a B+ in the U.S. while he gets an F-.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Oh yeah, where were the brains of the marketing people on the Cocaine drink? Drunk off their butts on tequila? Now there are some people who need to be fired. Coca Cola got its name decades ago, before Nancy Reagan's "just say no." Hmmm, where's the Gerbil on anti-drug campaigns? At least the Reagans tried.

SP Biloxi said...

"Well, he must have gotten her approval rating in the U.S. mixed up with her age."

It's the bottle, kittybowtie!

"Hmmm, where's the Gerbil on anti-drug campaigns?"

Are you kidding? And ruin his mary jane and Jack Daniels' quality time? ;-)

Anonymous said...

I heard on the news that this Cocaine is being banned in same areas.
I can't imagine how W acted at the State dinner yesterday, what the queen had to listen to, all the cowboy talk etc....embarassing.