Friday, May 25, 2007

Bush on the DOJ: 'Drug out' and 'Political Theater.'

Drug out? Does this mean that Bush is main drug supplier? I think the moron meant to say "dragged out." Must be the weed and Jack Daniels that caused his slur in words. ;O

From TPM Muckraker:

Sounding more than a little beleaguered, Bush responded "I thought it was interesting how you started your question, ‘over the months,’ I think you said, ‘over the last months'... this investigation is taking a long time…. kind of being drug (sic) out, I suspect for political reasons… as I mentioned it the other day, it’s 'grand political theater.'"
Here is the video:


Anonymous said...

Sad, Sad, and this guy is the President?

SP Biloxi said...

Very sad. Laughable but sad. And to think this moron became President twice!