Tuesday, May 01, 2007

BREAKING NEWS! Bin Laden Still Alive!

Al Masri, the bloodthirsty terrorist , who supposedly is the key to the whole Iraq Debacle, now that the previous two keys, Saddam Hussein and Zarqawi are dead (not to mention 8 million #3s), is DEAD! again. Check that. Nope, it is misinformation we are now told. So how is that different than what the Media has been reporting for the last 6 years?

Meanwhile, we can report that Osama bin Laden is alive and well, living in Pakistan/Afghanistan/Waziristan/Off The Bush Radarstan [or looking for a sale on his shopping for Mother's Day gift].


Anonymous said...

Hints of rifts among Iraqi militant groups emerged last month when two claims of responsibility for the April 12 Iraqi parliament cafeteria attack had been posted by the Islamic State of Iraq.

this is what Al Masri may have done...
and the Gerbil is expected to veto the pulling out of troops .......hmmm

Anonymous said...

oh and Al Masri was caught by tribes, not intelligence etc. so if the troops were not there the tribes would have got him anyhow

Anonymous said...

thought for the day.....can't resist.....now that Al Masri, Al Hadi, etc are caught/dead the problems should be a whole lot less cough, cough and now we can pull the troops out now that these big leaders are caught or dead

SP Biloxi said...

Chicago Native:

Now why would the moron President have a press conference at 6:10 pm ET, 3:10pm PT, and 4:10pm MT when the average worker will not be home to hear the Gerbil. Certainly the West Coast people will be tuned out from him. And good luck in getting the East Coast people. They will find something to do when the Gerbil is on TV. I have to agree with Edwards and Feingold: the Democrats and some of GOP whi are against the war and the President should not back down or give in to the Gerbil's demands.

"now that Al Masri, Al Hadi,"

Remind me again: who are these two? And where is Bin Laden?

Anonymous said...

Bin Laden? The Gerbil forgot, he is too busy with his other agendas.