Monday, April 23, 2007

USA David Iglesias speaks..

David Iglesias, the fired New Mexico U.S. attorney, said investigating the White House's role is the logical next step. "If I were Congress, I would say, 'If the attorney general doesn't have answers, then who would?' There's enough evidence to indicate that Karl Rove was involved up to his eyeballs."


jan said...

There was what looked like a staged press op with Alberto on CNN. He announced that he was staying as long as the boss wants and he now wants to move on. Then the reporters started asking question about other things.... and life goes on...

SP Biloxi said...

And that is what the Gerbil said about Rummy. Look what happened to Rummy. And yes it was simply a save faced press conference by the Gerbil.

airJackie said...

With Wolfie and Gonzo on the hot seat I think the people that run the White House are looking for a graceful way out for Gonzo. Now as for Wolfie well he's gone. Iglesias is right all roads lead to the White House. The American people lost a great attorney when the idiots fired Iglesias and the other attorney. Believe me it's hard to find a good lawyer. Those lawyers jokes aren't all jokes. Look at Rove's ear ring attorney he's a true crime lawyers in it for the money only.

jan said...

It was just too wierd how the reporters didn't ask him anything... maybe there was nothing left to ask or say.