Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Update on the House and Senate Votes

Recent Senate Votes

Cloture Motion, Medicare Prescription Drug Price Negotiation Act - Vote Rejected (55-42, 3 Not Voting)The Senate rejected this motion to take up a bill that would have allowed the federal government to negotiate Medicare prescription drug prices with pharmaceutical companies.

Recent House Votes

District of Columbia House Voting Rights Act - Vote Passed (241-177, 1 Present, 14 Not Voting)This bill would increase the size of the U.S. House of Representatives to 437 by granting the District of Columbia a full vote in the chamber and adding another seat in Utah.

Water Resources Development Act - Vote Passed (394-25, 14 Not Voting)The House passed this $15 billion bill funding improvements to the nation's waterways.

Shareholder Vote on Executive Compensation Act - Vote Passed (269-134, 30 Not Voting)The House voted to give shareholders in public companies a nonbinding vote on executive compensation.

Upcoming Votes

America Competes Act - S.761

This Senate bill would authorize funding intended to strengthen science, technology, math and engineering education.

10,000 Teachers, 10 Million Minds Science and Math Scholarship Act - H.R.362
This bill would authorize funding to train math and science teachers.

Sowing the Seeds Through Science and Engineering Research Act - H.R.363
This bill would authorize funding for science and engineering research.

Wild Horse Protection Bill - H.R.249
This bill would prohibit the commercial sale and slaughter of wild horses and burros.


Anonymous said...

It's too bad they can't control Rx prices somehow with out all the confusion of the part B medicare.

Another Seat in Utah isn't that GOP territory?

Science and engineering jobs are all overseas (ok a good number of them) so this might help those who can't get work in this field for a while.

Training math and science teachers......hmmm.......less intense science in grade school and more practical math, as in financial is what is really needed, no 5th grader needs to know the complex function of the heart, save that for college or HS A&P

SP Biloxi said...

Utah is GOP territory but be careful with Utah. That state can't stand the Dickster. Congress doesn't have control over RX prices because the Gerbil has the pharmacutial companies in his back pocket. You get rid of the Gerbil then you change the rules on the pharmacutical companies.