Thursday, April 26, 2007

Tell Us The Mission (Accomplished)

This video was emailed to me by director Robert Greenwald. And I got an interesting comment from a Sargent:

Dear friend,

"I find it ironic that the flags were flown at half-staff for the young men and women who were killed at Virginia Tech yet it is never lowered for the death of a U.S. service member." --Army Sgt. Jim Wilt


Anonymous said...

This is not the first rap video on the same subject. There are a couple of other good ones out there, when I remember I will email them. But this is a good way to wake up the kids as to what is going on so they can vote responsibly.
Yes, Saddam and Bush are looking similar now. Both destroying their own country.

SP Biloxi said...

There are more rap video out there with the same message for sure about the Gerbil. But, the gentleman got his message across.

jan said...

And, the GOP was becoming the Bath party. "If you're not with us you're against us"