Thursday, April 19, 2007

Summation of Gonzo's testimony in one word: HOSED.

<--Click here to enlarge. This is organizational chart for the Department of Justice starting with the Attorney General all the way down the food chain.

I saw some of Gonzo's testimonies and read the entire transcripts of his testimonies. Seven-four times Gonzo said that he couldn't recall!!! From the USA firings, WH missing emails, Fitzgerald's job evaluations, and so on, Gonzo suffered the Libby disease. He collects a bi-weekly paycheck for his job as Attorney General for crying out loud yet he can't recall anything??? See nothing, hear nothing, and say nothing mode by Gonzo.

As you can see from the chart, the Deputy Attorney General reports to the Attorney General. What I find amazing is how the Chief of Staff to the Attorney General become the person labeled as the spearhead for the USA firing, a lower level. Here are the job descriptions of Sampson and McNulty:

Paul J. McNulty:
As Deputy Attorney General, McNulty reports to the
Attorney General,

Kyle Sampson, Chief of Staff to the Attorney General

From today's testimony by Gonzo, Gonzo just proved in today's testimony a very dysfunctional Attorney General office and Department of Justice. His incompentence, lack of leadership, continued cover-up, and a denial to tell the truth, certainly questions how in the hell did he get his law degree! In a nutshell from Gonzo's testimony, Gonzo will be sent packing very soon.

Here is the DOJ organizational chart.

Update from the White House website from the Ex-Lax-in-Chief: President Bush was pleased with the Attorney General's testimony today. After hours of testimony in which he answered all of the Senators' questions and provided thousands of pages of documents, he again showed that nothing improper occurred. He admitted the matter could have been handled much better, and he apologized for the disruption to the lives of the U.S. Attorneys involved, as well as for the lack of clarity in his initial responses.


Geezer Power said...

Hi Biloxi

Somehow I knew you would say "HOSED". I just had to come here to see it. you're a heck of a guy Alberto...heehehe

The whole bunch of idiotic idiologues seem to be coming apart at the seams. Did you see McCain on coke today as he tried to sing "bomb bomb Iran". He actually thought he was funny, and the sheeple laughed. I only wish he would run into some Gypsie Jokers to share a snort and sing his little song to.

ps: mums the word, unless you want company

Cheers G:zzzZZZZ

airJackie said...

Bush is giving that lip service again he knows Gonzo has to go. If Gonzo stays the convicts will appeal their sentences as lying under oath is legal. We'll have an Attorney General who is a bigger criminal then the ones convicted. Libby will have a right to appeal as lying is now legal. The fired lawyers are better qualified for the Attorney General the Gonzo is. Gonzo will have to save Karl as Libby save Cheney/Rove. All the White House appointees will have to resign just to save Karl.

jan said...

I'm still speachless at just how bad he came off :O

SP Biloxi said...

Hello Geezerpower, Jackie, Jan, and all!

Well you all knew what 5 letter word that I would say to describe Gonzo's testimony today. From both political parties, Gonzo appeared like a wimp to the Senate committee. And his answers to the Committee were between a yawn or laughaable. Where did Gonzo get his law degree?

What is pretty tragic is that because of the dysfunctional Dept. of Justice ran by Gumby University Gonzo, future law students will shun away from applying at the DOJ because of the corruption and head for the private and smaller law firms.

KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey, where are the idiot trolls from the other blog who would say the shoot um up at Virginia Tech was all part of a conspiracy to give Gonzo another day or two to prepare?

As seen on Tom Flunko. . .


SP Biloxi said...

Hey Kittybowtie:

With that type comment, you certainly wouldn't get my vote from me as the next Alderman. ;-)

I'm ready for Gonzo to say that it was his evil twin that kidnapped him and took his place at the hearing. LOL! Gonzo was a disaster. He has two more days to prepare and he was still a disaster.

Anonymous said...

Of course Gonzo had "no recollection" to almost everything.

SP Biloxi said...

"Of course Gonzo had "no recollection" to almost everything."

Yes, Chicago Native. No recollection to almost anything in the USA firings and other issue and yet has a clear and good memory when he collects his bi-weekly paycheck as AG. Amazing...

Mrs. X said...

I could not believe that Alberto Gonzales had that he "couldn't recall" about 50 + times. Gonzales is disgraceful and should be removed. I would like to know personally if Alberto Gonzales really earned his law degree. I don't know much about law but Mr. Gonzales should have known his own staff. This makes upcoming law students look bad.