Sunday, April 29, 2007

Snowjob is in. Bubblehead Purina is sent back to the wilderness.

White House Press Secretary Tony Snow “told fellow alumni at Davidson College that he feels great and plans to return to work Monday.” He has been off work following a March 27 announcement that the colon cancer he was treated for in 2005 had returned and spread to his liver. Snow, who will soon begin chemotherapy to fight a cancer recurrence, “said the cancer has brought him closer to religion and his family.”


KittyBowTie1 said...

Hey, I live on Purina, (and the really expensive Iams if I've been a good kitty).

SP Biloxi said...

Yeah, so I heard Kittybowtie. If you behave yourself and lose some weight, then maybe your owner can get you off the expensive Iams. And don't eat your owner out of house and home. Otherwise, your owner would have to panhandle for more money for cat food. ;-)

Anonymous said...

At least he got to connect with the family......