Monday, April 30, 2007

Prince Harry To Deploy To Iraq. What about the Bush twins?


The head of the British army says he has personally decided Prince Harry will go to Iraq.
Gen. Sir Richard Dannatt told BBC News the decision will be kept under review, but says he hopes his statement will end media speculation on Harry's deployment.
The 22-year-old Prince's regiment, the Blues and Royals, is due to begin a six-month tour of duty in Iraq within weeks. British commanders had reportedly been reconsidering their decision to allow the prince to fight in Iraq.[..]
Meanwhile, the Guardian newspaper is reporting that Shiite militants have set up a special squad targeting Harry should he be posted to Iraq.
The British newspaper quoted a commander in the Mahdi Army — the militia loyal to radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr — as saying the group had informants inside British army bases who would tip them off about Harry's presence.


Anonymous said...

The Bush twins would cause more harm by being over there, who would want these clowns in their platoon?

SP Biloxi said...