Tuesday, April 24, 2007

OSC to McRove: 'We won't leave any stone unturned.'

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An “obscure federal investigative unit known as the Office of Special Counsel” is launching a broad investigation into key elements of the White House political operations that “for more than six years have been headed by chief strategist Karl Rove.” The administration-led inquiry will be a unified investigation covering many facets of Rove’s operations. “We will take the evidence where it leads us,” said Scott J. Bloch, a Bush appointee who heads the Office of Special Counsel. “We will not leave any stone unturned.”


jan said...

What do you think, SPB? Is this just a GOP info-gather-and-hide-plan or can this Bloch guy be for real?

SP Biloxi said...

Do I trust Bloch? No! I will post a new thread to give a background of Bloch to the readers. I didn't get a change to post a part 2 to this story. Thanks for your comment!