Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Off Beat News: Murkowski's memo on potty breaks

There are "problems" in Sen. Lisa Murkowski's (R-AK) office, according to an internal memo sent to staff. The biggest one: "[I]f you have a long magazine-reading bathroom trip planned (and you know what I mean), please go to the public restrooms. We don't want to subject our staff or constituents to any fowl (sic) smelling odors while they are in the office."
Here is the entire internal memo to her staff:
"Recently, I've noticed that there are a few problems in the office. It may or may not pertain to you - if it doesn't, ignore this message - if it does, make note and change it.
First of all, there has been excessive use of the Internet by some staff. Now everyone uses the Internet for personal use now and then during the day or during their lunch hour, which is fine. However, some folks are using it more than just a little. If you're not certain what is an excessive use of the Internet is during the work day, just come up and see me, and we'll talk about it.
Second, some folks are listening to their Ipod's during the work day. This is not acceptable. Please refrain from doing this at all during the day.
Next, and this is the subject I always hate to bring up, but if you have a long magazine-reading bathroom trip planned (and you know what I mean), please go to the public restrooms. We don't want to subject our staff or constituents to any fowl (sic) smelling odors while they are in the office.
And finally, the office IS OPEN UNTIL 6 PM TODAY, even though Donna has left. If you leave before your normal time, you will be charged leave.
If you have any questions, please let me know."
And I thought I heard it all! LOL!


Anonymous said...

.........Employers will get away with whatever they can

SP Biloxi said...

When you own a company, the owner calls the shot. But, the Gerbil messed up the FLA to allow a form of dictatorship to the employers to employees.