Monday, April 23, 2007 Harriet Miers Knew About the Email Problem

Written by Biloxi
Sonntag, 22 April 2007

Former White House Counsel Harriet Miers Knew About the White House’s Email Problem

Former White House Harriet Miers, weeks before the indictment of Scooter Libby, was informed of missing administration emails that were lost dating back to 2003. According to a government watchdog group, Miers informed Special Prosecutor Patrick Fitzgerald about the administration’s lost emails.

But, it is unclear to what extent Miers told Fitzgerald about the White House’s email problem. Melanie Sloan and Anne Weismann of Citizens for Responsibility and Ethics in Washington (CREW) told in an interview this week that “they believe Miers did not fully inform Fitzgerald about the millions of emails the White House lost between 2003 and 2005.” They both go on to say that “it’s likely that Fitzgerald did not obtain all of the evidence related to the leak investigation-particularly emails during the time period by Karl Rove that may further implicate the White House political adviser in the Plame Wilson leak.”

The CREW provided some insight into how Fitzgerald “first became aware that some emails related to the leak investigation weren’t turned over to the FBI investigators in the fall of 2003. Ms. Sloan said, “We assume this is what [Fitzgerald] was referring to [in his January 2006 court filing], but we do not know how deep the briefing given to him by Miers.”

Also, Ms. Sloan stated that in October of 2005, “the White House Office of Administration discovered the White House emails hadn’t been archived in accordance the Presidential Records Act.” Fitzgerald’s staff was informed “before the complete audit of email records could be taken.” The Office of Administration had concluded that “more than five million emails had been lost.”
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