Tuesday, April 24, 2007

News Exclusive: The Investigator is being investigated

Hot off the press by the News Junkie himself via email. Thanks Jason!
Rove Investigator Being Investigated

By Jason Leopold
t r u t h o u t Report
Tuesday 24 April 2007

A federal investigation into the political activities of Karl Rove, wasannounced late Tuesday, is being headed by a Bush appointee who is currentlythe target of an internal White House probe - calling into question the integrity of the administration's efforts to conduct an independent reviewof Rove's work as White House political adviser.
The news underscores how deeply the Bush administration is mired in scandal.

However, the Los Angeles Times failed to inform its readers that Bloch had been accused of, among other things, homophobia, retaliating againstemployees who disagreed with his policies, and intimidating them before theywere questioned about a whistle-blower investigation inside the Office ofthe Special Counsel. The whistle-blower probe was launched by the WhiteHouse's Office of Personnel Management inspector general nearly two years ago, according to a February 16, 2007 story in the Washington Post.
Bloch vehemently denied the allegations at the time. On Tuesday, a spokesmanin his office reiterated Bloch's position and insisted that the specialcounsel would still be able to conduct an independent review of Rove's workfor the past six years, regardless of the accusations against him.

A January 13, 2005 story in The New Standard
http://newstandardnews.net/content/index.cfm/items/1384 said employees inthe Office of the Special Counsel retained a private attorney to protest Bloch's orders that at least 12 staffers in the department move to anothercity or lose their jobs so Bloch could hire individuals who agree with hispolicies. In a strange twist, these employees accused Bloch of selectively"purging" employees from his department, a word now associated with the US attorney firings, and an area that Bloch says he will investigate todetermine if wrongdoing took place.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

More proof that this whole Administration is corrupt